Wednesday, September 23, 2009

18 months...

It's hard to believe that much time has gone by since this little beauty came into our lives. She is a spunky little girl who knows what she likes and what she doesn't, and, has no trouble letting you know either way! What a joy she is to our family!

Strike a pose!
Elise loves water! Whether it's bath time, pool time, or move the sprinkler time, she loves to get wet. She also loves to wear other peoples shoes. While she has her own dress up shoes that she walks around the house in, she can often be found tromping around in shoes that belong to daddy. She loves her blankies and her sippy cups (ba ba). Some favorite foods include mac and cheese, cheerios, crackers, cheese, peaches, yogurt, and cottage cheese - can you tell she loves cheese? Best of all though, she always, always wakes up happy. We love her!
You can't really tell, but she's wearing Jim's basketball shorts. She brought them to me saying "da da" and was trying to put them on by herself.
Even though she hasn't been in a baby seat for over 6 months, it's her favorite toy. Thanks to her cousins Gage and Emelia she still gets to play in one...

It's hard to explain how much we love this little one. Looking back, those first few weeks after she was born were so hard for me (I have never been so tired and "out of it"). I remember thinking "why didn't anyone tell me this was going to be so hard?" But now, I think how blessed we are to be parents - the joy that it brings us is so, so worth it!


Traci said...

she's a qt for sure! loved the cute vid too!

April Van Wagenen said...

We are on such an adventure with these kids aren't we ?!!? No one could ever tell us how hard or amazing it would be!

Erica Johnston said...

LOVE the hat- what a fashionista!

Alicia said...

How darling - I can't get enough of that basketball shorts photo - SO cute!

Sheldon also calls his sippy cup his 'ba ba' - funny that it's the natural sort of 'word' for kids.

Lastly - I totally agree - that first 8 weeks I felt like I was just hit with the hardest thing in my life! Being a mom was so much work, exhaustion, etc. But wow, are they ever worth it, right?! Anyway, just thought I'd let you know I totally felt the same way!

broni said...

I love her sass. She must take after her mom..

Anonymous said...

She's adorable! Just blog hopping and stumbled on your blog. Thought I would say hi!
pk @ Room Remix